Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Journey Begins

Although the seeds of this adventure where planted several years ago, Dec. 28, 2011 marks the actual kickoff date for us. Winterizing our home in Maine, we head back to Flamingo Lake RV Resort, Jacksonville, FL where we spent the previous winter.  With the constant coming and going of travelers, each with their own tales of the road, life in an RV park is never dull. There are also many seasonal regulars and full timers as well. The atmosphere is sociable, especially when the weather is warm as people stroll through the park exchanging pleasantries. We have found RV living enjoyable and relaxing. Since our arrival on New Year's Eve the weather has been exceptionally beautiful. A bit chilly at night, but warming up nicely in the afternoon.


One of the great things about my job is that I can bring it with me. Jacksonville has one of the largest port facilities for inbound and outbound cars in the US. On arrival I immediately picked up where I left off last year hauling new Mazdas for Hansen & Adkins. They were very happy to see me back, especially as the new car market is booming, at least for the moment.

Our departure date (Jan 24th) for Honduras is fast approaching. As excited as we are to be going, the time we’ve spent here is almost too short. Renewing friendships from last year, both at NGF and here at the park, has been awesome and we hate to leave so soon. The last few days have been busy. I, finishing up year end paperwork, making arrangements for the storage of the truck, RV, car and 6’ by 10’ enclosed trailer we use for transporting and storing necessities like a BBQ grill and bicycles, Barbe and the boys packing schoolwork, clothes, etc.  The boys have still found time to engage in the Great Airsoft Battle and a fundraising event for Acquire the Fire.  


  1. God bless you Mike, Barb and your boys as you take off doing His Work; His Will for your lives. I will be praying for continued safety, provision and God's rich blessings for all of you.
    Cannot wait to hear about all of your adventures. So exciting.

  2. can't wait to hear more :)

  3. Greetings Mike and Barbe...and boys,
    We are so excited to be able to visit your blog and follow your journey to Honduras. We will pray for you and the family. It'll be nice to have updates once in awhile to see how God is using you there. Take care and may our Lord bless you and your ministry.
    Looking unto Jesus,
    Roger & Donna Labbe, Camp Good News
