Thursday, February 23, 2012

Destino del Reino: A Work of Faith

Destino del Reino, Destiny in the Kingdom. What a story! What miracles! I first "met" Rhonda Jackson a month or two before leaving for Honduras. Surfing the web, looking for an orphanage in Honduras to visit, I came across Destino's website. As I began to read Rhonda Jackson's story and testimony I knew I had to meet her and see what God has done and continues to do through her. I'm not going to retell her story, but please, please go to her website Destino del Reino and read it for yourself. I guarantee you will not be disappointed.

The home and school she has built is about 8 miles out of Seguat and then 2 miles off the main highway on a dirt road. It is a beautiful setting. Very peaceful. Rhonda was sitting on the front porch visiting with the father and step mother of one of the children she calls "hers" when we arrived. Rhonda has, at this time, 18 children living with her. We use the word "orphans" quite often, but in reality most of the children here in Honduras and Central America who are in homes are not orphans. In general, these kids have one or both parents living, but because of poverty, health, alcohol, drugs etc. they abandon their children or leave them to live with a relative who can't feed them either. When Rhonda takes a child in, the parents must agree not to ask for them back. They are allowed to visit from time to time. I met all of her children...and they are wonderful kids. Happy, smiling, willing to talk, romping around the yard with each other and the dog.

Rhonda with some of her children

Future Jr. High Building
 Besides the home, she has a school with 300 students, grades kinder to 6th. She is in the process of constructing a junior high building and is in hopes of having a gym some day. She only takes kids who have no money to pay for school. Her buses run 5 days a week picking up the kids. She feeds them lunch and provides uniforms for them. The school itself, is immaculate, well constructed, and well supplied. There are classes in Spanish and English. This gift of an excellent education to these children is priceless.

Upper level of the school

Kinder classroom

As I walk with Rhonda around the grounds I realize that with out a doubt she falls into my category of ordinary people who are doing extraordinary things because of their faith. It is absolutely extraordinary what she has accomplished in 12-15 years. She would correct me here, "No, it is what God has accomplished through me. I'm just crazy enough to believe God, His promises and His Word." And she does. She points out miracle after miracle, talks freely of those who are coming to Christ and of the future dreams she believes God has given her for the land and the children. If I were to write the Book of Hebrews, the 11th Chapter today using present day examples of men and women who live by faith as evidenced by their actions, Rhonda would most certainly be in that chapter. Rhonda, your faith is a living example to all of us. Thank you.

Heb 11:1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. (ESV

1 comment:

  1. God is Good....thanks so much for sharing!!!
