Saturday, February 18, 2012

Valentine's Day in Seguat w/video

Our teachers, bless their hearts, (that's not what we were really saying) decided we Gringo men probably needed some help with Valentine's day. I guess they must think we lack Latin romanticism. They decided as part of our "schooling" we needed to sing a love song in Spanish to our wives as a surprise. So with only a few minutes to practice and a few sneak peaks at Rabito on You Tube, we gathered at our house and as you can see by this video...made complete fools of ourselves. Fortunately, our wives seemed to enjoy it. The teachers then made each of us say something mushy to our wives, in Spanish of course.

Please enjoy the Honduras Spanish Language Institute Men's Choir as they sing Pacto con Dios.

If you have trouble viewing the video directly from the blog, please click the following link to view on You Tube. HSLI Men's Choir, Valentine's Day Production 

 Afterwards we had "tres leches cake" and visited for awhile. 

Seriously though, thank you "Maestras" for your help. Thank you also for the fun you bring to the school and for your patience with all of us tongue tied, Spanish lacking, mispronouncing, grammatically incorrect, improperly conjugated, crazy Gringos. 

The Conspirators

1 comment:

  1. I was going to ask for a piece of cake until I heard the singing...thank you Lord that there will be no tears in heaven...
